Proper sleep, making the right food choices and exercising regularly contributes to overall health. Below are a few helpful facts about common illnesses and information to aid in keeping you and your student healthy.

If you have any questions, please contact the CAPS Central Health Office at (908) 668-1000 (Nurse Bass)


COVID-19 is a respiratory illness caused by a novel (new) virus, and we are learning more about it every day. There is currently no vaccine to protect against COVID-19. At this point, the best way to prevent infection is to avoid being exposed to the virus that causes it. Stopping transmission (spread) of the virus through everyday practices is the best way to keep people healthy. The following information can be found on the CDC website including:

Fifth Disease

Fifth disease is a mild rash illness that usually affects children. Fifth disease is caused by a virus called Parvovirus B 19 that lives in the nose and throat and can be spread from person to person.
The first stage of the illness consists of headache, body ache, sore throat, low-grade fever, and chills. These symptoms last about 2 to 3 days and are followed by a second stage, lasting about a week, during which the person has no symptoms at all. In children, the third stage involves a bright red rash on the cheeks which gives a “slapped cheek” appearance. This may be followed by a “lacy” rash on the trunk and arms and legs. The rash begins 17 to 18 days after exposure. The rash may appear on and off for several weeks with changes in temperature, sunlight, and emotional stress. Adults may not develop the third-stage rash but may experience joint pain, particularly in the hands and feet. The disease is usually mild and both children and adults recover without problems. However, in rare situations some people, especially those with blood disorders such as sickle cell anemia, may develop more severe symptoms.
Who gets it and how? Children and adults can get parvovirus B 19. When an infected person coughs, sneezes, or speaks, the virus is sprayed into the air. These contaminated droplets can then be inhaled or touched by another person.
How is it treated? There is no specific treatment for Fifth disease. Health care providers may suggest treatment to relieve some symptoms. There is no vaccine to prevent Fifth disease.
Must your child stay home? Children with fifth disease do not have to stay home. By the time they are diagnosed with the rash, they are no longer contagious.
What should you do? Watch for the symptoms of Fifth disease and call your child’s physician if rash occurs.
Always be careful about hand washing, especially after touching discharge from the nose and throat and before eating or handling food. Be sure to notify the school in writing if your child has Fifth disease. If you are pregnant, tell your health care provider about your possible exposure.

The Stomach Bug

Norovirus is the official name for the stomach bug. It is very easily transmitted. It can be spread by contact with an infected person or by touching a contaminated surface or eating contaminated food or drinking contaminated water. This is why it is important to ensure that all measures are being taken to protect yourself and family by washing hands frequently, cooking foods properly, and disinfecting all surfaces. People can transfer Norovirus to others for at least three days after being sick.
More information on the stomach bug


Coughing and sneezing are both ways that germs are spread from one person to another. Using the proper technique to cover your cough or sneeze will help with keeping healthy and not making anyone else sick. The following link provides details on the proper way to cough and sneeze without spreading germs.
More information on coughing & sneezing

Hand Washing

Hand washing is a very key component to healthy living. It can help guard against the spread of bacteria. If hand washing is done the proper way every time, you will decrease your chances of coming in contact with bacteria that can make you ill. The following link provides the proper technique that should be utilized when washing hands.
More information on hand washing
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