CAPS Central will serve grades K‑11 in the 2020‑2021 school year. Students must be 5 years old on or before October 1, 2020 of their kindergarten school year and must meet the following criteria:

  1. Students domiciled within the districts of Plainfield and North Plainfield are given priority. Students in other districts can apply.
  2. Any student kept in the home of a person other than the student’s parent/guardian, where the person is domiciled in the school district and is supporting the student without remuneration as if the student were their own child.
  3. Any student kept in a home of a person domiciled in the district, other than a parent/guardian, where the parent/guardian is a member of the New Jersey National Guard or the reserve component of the United States Armed Forces and has been ordered into active military service in the United States or abroad in time of war or national emergency.
  4. Any student whose parent/guardian temporarily resides within the district, notwithstanding the existence of a domicile elsewhere.
  5. Any student whose parent/guardian moves to another district as a result of being homeless, subject to the provisions of the administrative code.
  6. Any student placed in the home of a district resident by court order pursuant to statute.
  7. Any student previously residing in the district if the parent/guardian is a member of the National Guard or United States Armed Forces reserves and has been ordered to active service in time of war or national emergency pursuant to statute.
  8. Any student residing on Federal property within the state pursuant to statute.

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