Request for Transportation for Plainfield Residents
As per NJ DOE, the transportation of students to and from a charter school is the financial responsibility of the board of education of the school district in which the student resides. If the charter school is located in the resident district, students are transported in the same manner as regular public district students. For more information, click here.
For Plainfield residents interested in applying for transportation: Please be advised that you must live more than 2 (two) walking miles from the school to qualify if your child is attending grades Kindergarten to 8th and must live more than 2.5 walking miles from the school if your child attends 9th – 12th grade.
All Plainfield residents interested in transportation must complete the following Transportation survey.
You will be contacted by Plainfield Board of Education’s department of Transportation with the determination of eligibility.
NOTE: Plainfield Department of Transportation does not drop off at After School Programs or other addresses other than the child’s assigned corner that has been determined by the department according to the child’s address of residency.
All families that reside out of Plainfield: If the child lives more than 2 miles from the school (grades K-8) or more than 2.5 miles (grade 9-12) you may apply for aid in lieu. Aid in lieu is where the residing district provide the family with a stipend for having to provide transportation to the child. Please be advised that same rules apply for distance to qualify for aid lieu as with transportation.
Transportation bus services for families that live within the Plainfield district are handled by the Plainfield Public School District.
To get information about school buses and tracking information, and inquiries, please email the Plainfield transportation department at [email protected].
Families that live outside of Plainfield are eligible for aid-in-lieu. For more information, please see details below to contact your district’s transportation department: